April 2015 Newsletter

To the Membership:

My life has taken so many sudden turns the last month, I find that getting lost in creating a piece of art is where I find peace and balance. I’m hoping you are all getting as excited as I am about our show coming up at the Dunedin Fine Art Center. I’ve seen a few pieces of our members and they are wonderful. Keep in mind that we will be receiving your art May 3, more below. Dunedin is where we will see our ideas taken to completion.

Cindie Townley

Note from the editor:  Don't forget to check out the photo blog of all our pictures.  You can click the photo blog link any time to see them and you don't have to come back through the newsletter.  Feel free to tag the photos with more information if you like.   
 We would like to extend welcome to our new members or a welcome back to returning members including:  Krissy  Brawner, Maureen Noonan, Sarah Snyder, Bonnie Ward, and Nancy Woodling

This month, we have photos from Show & Tell. 

and from the Sewing Expo in Lakeland

and from the Rusty Treasurers March Workshop

Marlene Glickman talks about fun with Colors and Dyes

Whenever I want to mix up my Color Hue dyes (instant setting and so easy to use) I fold a silk scarf in half and then wet it. I lay it on my heavy duty plastic tablecloth with a white plastic one underneath so I can see the true colors. Then I fill my 4 ounce bottles or for a workshop my 22 ounce bottles with tap water and add the liquid dye concentrates using a pipette. To test the strength and tone of the color, I pipette the mixed color onto the silk (if starting with yellow, then I put it either on the ends of the wet scarf or the middle by the neck). I also test the sprayer to make sure it is the tone I want. Because the scarf is wet, the dyes flow up and down the scarf a bit. They are instant setting so they don't go far. Then I mix and test the next color (pumpkin), then Rose, then Magenta, then Eggplant, Blue, Turquoise, Green, Brown and ending in Black (which I prefer at the ends of the scarf rather than the middle. I let the dyes rest on the silk for about 5-10 minutes as it is pretty wet by now. I sop up the extra water with a silk wipe up scarf. If the water is clear under the dyed silk, then the dyes have bonded. The colors have moved into each other where they overlap and I have a Color Wheel scarf. I roll it in a towel and iron it dry to see the intensity of the colors.
With most dyes, you have to be careful to not get mud i.e. yellow and purple as they continue to flow on the fabric until they are dry and then heat set. So if you are using other dyes or paints, don't have your fabric too wet, just damp.  I don't have that problem with Color Hue dyes as they are permanent while wet so I can get away with lots of techniques similar to the above one.  Next time you want to test your paints or dyes, use a piece of fabric and try it out whether you use wet or dry fabric. Have Fun!  www.SilkDyes.com  Email: Marlene@123webmagic.com

Angie Knowles writes:

There are about ten people participating in The One Bobbin a Day Challenge. They are working to improve their Free Motion Skills. Please, all participants bring your samples to the April Meeting. Many of the Participants are posting photos on our Facebook Page so go check them out.

April 19 - Gail Crotty - Coloring with Crayons.
This method comes from "Creative Quilts From Your Crayon Box: Melt-N-Blend Meets Fusible Applique by Terri Linn Kygar."   This workshop will focus on a different way to create "art" on your quilt or on any fabric by using melted crayons to paint on fabric.  Gail uses the method to create "appliques" for placement on quilts, but the finished project could be easily used to adorn a card, book cover, etc.  The colors and shading with the Crayola crayons will surprise you as you can create anything you can draw or copy.  You will also be surprised by what you use for your "paintbrush" as well as other ways (Pigma Pens, Prismacolor pencils and Faber-Castell Gelatos) to add color and texture to the drawings. Workshop fee will be $15, $10 for the use of facility and a $5 supply fee.  A supply list will be available at the March business meeting.  The time is has been changed to 12PM- 4PM Her list of required supplies will be provided at the April Meeting.
May 17th - Goatfeathers Studio presents Charm School
This workshop will focus on the making of twelve unique mixed media charms.  Each charm is designed to explore a technique or use of material or medium.  In addition, the workshop will show how common household items can be turned into fabulous miniature embellishments to be used in the making of unique one-of-a-kind jewelry.
Each participant is asked to bring one odd item from their jewelry box that no longer has a mate such as a single pair of earrings or small pendant.  A small trunk show, ahem, jewelry box show will also be presented by Goatfeathers resident fiber artists, Celeste Beck and Merri McKenzie.  Cost is $60.   The workshop is 10:00AM-2:30 PM.  Please pack a lunch or plan to pick up a quick lunch in the area. 


Mini-workshops are held as part of our regular meeting. Angie shared the schedule of mini-demos for our future meetings. Thanks for pulling this together, Angie.

April--     Marlene Glickman demonstrating foil, dye or funky fiber friends

May--       Kim Sherrod demonstrating free motion portraits on fabric with solvy

June--     annie! demonstrating fabric beads.   

Surface Design Demo Show @ Dunedin Fine Arts Center

Dunedin Fine Art Center has asked the Surface Design Guild to take some time to demonstrate surface design techniques.  The public would be invited to come and see us demonstrating what we do and how we do it.  It will be a free event so make-it and take-it will not be possible.  This is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with people about what we love to create and how we create it.  We will be signing our members up at the March meeting.  At this time, the time of the Demo show is to be decided.  Talk to Bonnie Bowman to sign up.

Surface Design Guild Member Show @ Dunedin Fine Art Center (DFAC)

May 22 – August 16, 2015

Opening – Friday, May 22, 7 – 9 PM

The Guild encourages member’s best 2-D and 3-D work that has not been shown.  

DFAC will:

  • Hang show – all work will be hung at their discretion
  • Accept 2-D and 3-D work
  • Insure the show (see DFAC contract for details)
  • Sell our work in the show for a 40% commission.
  • Sell our work in their shop also. Talk to Angelea Carpenter, DFAC Gift Shop.
  • Work can’t be taken down until show closes

SDG members will:

  • Pay $20.00 entry fee per member for up to 2 pieces of work.  Check or cash to SDG, paid only to SDG.  DFAC does not charge or accept this payment.  SDG will donate entry fees to our Summer Art Scholarships.
  • Must sign DFAC contract (follow the link to print from the SDG website)
  • Deliver work to DFAC on Sun. May 3, 1 –4pm.  No work will be accepted after May 11, 2015.
  • Pick up work @ DFAC, TBA.
  • Provide ready-to-hang work. They don’t use a hook hanging system.
  • Provide label info on their contract.  Give credit if you use others patterns
  • Send out evites & invitations to your mailing lists
  • Come and enjoy the opening

There will be 4 fiber shows at DFAC at the same time.  Quilt National 13, Florida Quilt Invitational, Illumination: ArtCloth Network, and our show. 
SDG Show Committee - Sarah Butz, Davida Milne, Angelea Carpenter, Aida Sheets, Bonnie Bowman, Dana Maley and Cindie Townley.

Call to Artists for Fiber and Wearables for Florida CraftArt

Florida CraftArt Gallery wants to enlarge their selection of handmade wearables and fiber work created by Florida artists.  Our beautifully, renovated gallery is the perfect place to sell your fine craft work for women, men and children. Painted silk, hand-wovens, felted, hand-dyed apparel and house hold items, etc.  We are looking for innovative use of materials and mediums.  Your work is insured while it is in the FCA Gallery.  Artist commission is 55% and FCA will retain 45%.  FCA Gallery sells only the work of our Florida artist members, so you must be a member.  Please submit images of your work and a completed application for jurying into the gallery. The application and answers to most questions can be found on the Florida CraftArt website http://www.floridacraftart.org/fine-craft-gallery    
Also, Look for a Call to Artists soon for our Fashion and Fiber show August 28-October 24, 2015 which coincides with St. Pete Fashion Week

KINDRED SPIRITS: Mixed Media Playmates and PuppetsOne-of-a-kind dolls and puppets exhibit opening April 3rd, 2015 through April 31st

FAB Fiber is hosting its first "doll show" featuring Tampa Bay area artists Patsi Aguero, Susan Andrews, Betsy Cook, Margaret Fusillier, Beryl Heeren, Lynn Carol Henderson, Jill Oldenski. Elizabeth Neily, Kathy Pollack, Kathy Rex, Kay "Falling Leaves" Welch and others TBA. This will be a preview show in anticipation of a much more expansive exhibit next year.

We've never seen a hand-made doll that didn't engage us. Dolls have been both trivialized and commodified by commercial production and marketing.  Dolls have always been a very powerful class of artifacts, created to image what it means to be human.  Dolls are about contemporary fashion, about controlling destiny, fertility, about fantasy play and storytelling.  Dolls are comfort, companions, protectors and allies.  Before there were knives and forks and spoons, there were dolls.  'Kindred Spirits" will feature artistic dolls in all media and all sizes, with doll defined as “anything which looks back at you.”  The exhibit challenges artists to explore new media, and encourages collaborative works.

In conjunction with the exhibit, we have formed a dollmaker/puppetmaker group which will meet on Tuesday evenings at 7 PM at FAB Fiber. Meet other locals who are interested in dollmaking discuss your doll art. FREE. (RSVP before you come, as we will not keep shop open if no-one shows up.) 727-744-7051.   Elizabeth Neily info@fabfibergulfport.com

Tampa based artist to show “Coming to America” series at Ruth Eckerd Hall

April/May 2015

Gasparilla Fine Arts show awards winning Tampa artist and art historian Susanne Nielsen will be exhibiting  five paintings from her “Coming to America” and “Childhood” series  April/May 2015 in the upstairs galleries of Ruth Eckerd (Performing Arts )Hall in Clearwater, Florida.

The artist paints her early impressions of coming to America as a child. With two languages and multiple cultural memories of the 1960s she presents a mixture of personal family scenes, childhood songs and slogans from books and magazines. Radio and TV, monochromatic and multicolored, her world was and remains a multicultural experience that visually communicates on many levels thememories of a child and the nostalgia of us all.
Nielsen is honored to have been chosen as one of 12 artists to show her work at Clearwater’s Ruth Eckerd Hall April 2015 through May.  She will be pleased to discuss her work when she visits the Florida Orchestra Masterworks concerts April 19th and May 3 rd. The works are on view for two months and can be seen with paid admission to any Ruth Eckerd Hall event during this time.  Please contact Susanne Nielsen at 813-254-5088 for further information. You may also visit her arts blog www.susannenielsenarts.blogspot.com .  


Purpose of the Guild
The purpose of the Guild is to increase community awareness of surface design and its value in our lives while offering educational and experimental venues, thus supporting individual artistic creativity while promoting an attitude of mutual respect and exchange in all areas of surface design.
Membership to the Surface Design Guild is open to anyone with an interest in surface design of any variety. All levels of interest and expertise are welcome. If you or someone you know would like to join please contact surface.design.guild@gmail.com.  Bring your registration form to the next meeting or send a check made out to the Surface Design Guild to:
Surface Design Guild
Attention: Ann Thomas
5905 Suwanee Ave
Tampa , FL 33604

Board & Committee Members 2015
President - Cindie Townley  ctownley22@gmail.com 618-407-9223
Vice President/Programs – Dana Male tedanamale@aol.com  
Secretary – Angelea Carpenter acarpenter1@knology.net
Treasurer/Membership – Ann Thomas amt1952@earthlink.net
Multi-Media Committee – Newsletter: Sharon Appler - sharon.appler@gmail.com 
                                                        Web: Bonnie Bowman - surfacedesignguild@gmail.com
Mini-workshop Committee – Angie Knowles aknowles13@gmail.com
Show Committee - Sarah Butz, Bonnie Bowman, Davida Milne, Aida Sheets, Brenda Schlechter
We meet the second Monday of every month at 6:30PM. Social time is 6PM. 
We meet at:
Suncoast Hospice
5771 Roosevelt Boulevard
Clearwater, FL 33760

We are in Building 10 which is immediately to the right of the Welcome Center as you face the building.

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