you an artist who has to control every detail of the outcome or are you
carefree and let things happen? When finished, does your work have a look that
others see as yours? We have many artists in our guild with a “signature look”
who have over time developed a style in their work that says it’s theirs. I’m
happy to say that one of my goals for this year was to reach a membership of 100
or more. We did it! The purpose of this
guild is to share ideas and learn from each other. Now, we have so many artists,
there will be no lack of inspiration in our group. Part of the success is the
quality Mini-Demo we have each month and Show and Tell. Thank you all for such
a successful year.
Cindie TownleyNew Business and Information
Your dues for 2016 are due in January. Please bring a check to the meeting or use PayPal to pay online. Since PayPal is available to everyone online, we are shortening the grace period this year.
Slate of officers for 2016
The following slate of officers were elected during the November meeting.
President: Cindie Townley
VP/Workshops: Angie Knowles
Mini-Workshops: Kim Sherrod
Secretary: Peggy Daubar
Treasurer: Mary Ann Pickard
Shows: Annie! Wade
Multi-Media; Bonnie Bowman & Sharon Appler
Installation of officers will occur during the holiday party in December.
Holiday Party
The Holiday party will include a Gift Exchange. Each gift must be handmade by the artist, limiting cost of materials to $15. The gift is NOT to be holiday related. Present your gift in a brown paper grocery bag - no decoration.Bring a pot-luck dish to share with the group.
We will be playing games. Please, if you have not done so, send your interesting fact to Dana before the meeting on Monday.
We will be making name tags during the party. You will need a blank hotel room key or expired credit card to act as a base (it will be covered up!). Please bring scissors, a glue gun (to share) or sewing machine (also to share - if you think you need one). Also bring embellishments you would like to use or wish to share. However, remember, it's a name tag so a small handful of embellishments will work. No need to bring three bags full!!! We will providing the magnetic back to hold it on your clothing and a strip label with your name on it to stick on the plastic backing. There will be a prize for the most creative.
Our sale tables and free tables will still be available during the Holiday Party.
Facebook & Website Link
If you have a Facebook page, please "Like" our Tampa Bay Surface Design
page. If you have your own web site, you can reach a much wider
audience by linking the Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild Web Site to your
site. Add this link(
to your site to see how much more traffic you get! We are happy to
link the guild site to your site as well. Just let Bonnie Bowman know.
We are looking for someone to take over the Book sale and Video library for 2016. Many thanks go to Kim Sherrod who started these for us.

keep bringing art related books and magazines for the monthly book
sale. Books sell for $1 and magazines are $.50. This is a
good way to increase our treasury if you're willing to donate your
unwanted books to the Guild.
Sell Your Wares
Any member wishing to sell their artwork or art supplies; the table fee is $5. The room opens at 5:30 and the meeting starts at 6:30. The meeting ends at 8:30 and we must be out by 9:00.Workshops
November Workshop with June Colburn
January, 2016 Adventure with Linda Dawson, Facilitator
The January 2016 workshop will be held Saturday and Sunday, January 9th and 10th at the Indian Rocks Beach Art Center. Saturday will run 10:00 – 4:00 and Sunday will run 1:00 – 4:00 unless
we decide something different once we get started. Cost of the workshop
is $75.00 which includes the fee to the Art Center. You must register and pay your fee in the December meeting because this workshop will be held before our regular January meeting.
Linda has a post on her blog describing the techniques we will
be doing on the Sunday portion of the workshop. Please take a look. The photo below shows a sample of these techniques. 
Check it out at
Check it out at
Supply list: you
will need the standard items for dyeing fabrics – rubber gloves, an
OSHA approved dust mask, duck tape, old clothes which will not be
damaged by dye, (Yes, we do sometimes spill on ourselves), a few paint
brushes ranging from 1.5 to 2 inch which you do not mind putting in the
dyes, pins for securing your fabric to your print pad, a print pad if
you have one. (Linda will bring 5, 2 24” squares, 2 48” squares and one 24” x
48” rectangle.) If you attended a workshop by Jane Dunnewold or Kerr
Grabowski you may still have the pad you got there. You will also need
some plastic to wrap your wet fabrics to take home, a pool tube to wrap
them on and a large garbage bag to hold them while in transit. You will
also need fabric. We will be working mostly with fat quarters (18” x
22”) and half yards. The fabric should be cotton for learning purposes
but the techniques work on all natural fabrics which take the MX dyes we
will be using. You can use the bleached muslin from JoAnn’s or I will
have some fabric available at the Holiday party for sale. Price to be
determined once I order the fabric and see if the price as increased
since I last ordered. It will be somewhere between $7.00 and $9.00 per
yard. The fabric needs to be soda ash soaked. This is done by adding soda
ash or Pool+ or Pool-Up to water, ¾ cup per gallon, soaking for 15
minutes and hanging to dry. DO NOT dry in the dryer as this will coat
the dryer basket with soda ash. Finally, if you have silk screens please
bring them. We will be making silk screens from adjustable window
screens available at Home Depot. I will bring all the screens that I
have so hopefully we will have enough screens. All other supplies will
be furnished by Linda, including the dyes, print paste, soda ash, screening
material for the screens, the mark making materials and the materials
for creating texture. She will bring her hair dryer to help dry the screens
and it would be nice if a few of you would also bring these items.
February Workshop - Personal imagery
What is it, how do you
create it, how to use it. This workshop is in preparation of creating Art Cloth
pieces for Florida CraftArt. Several members will give a short presentation of
how they create their personal imagery. Then participates will have time to
work on creating their own personal imagery during this workshop. There are quite a few "Process, Imagery and Techniques" workshops being offered by Guild members as a follow up to this overall workshop. See the "Shows" section for more details.
April with Judy Coates Perez
We will be offering
two 1 day workshops with Judy. Friday April 9, 2016 Tea & Ephemera and
Saturday April 10 Prayer Flags. No cost yet, but should have all
that finalized by the December meeting. If you wish to go look at Judy's work, follow the link to her workshop page:
And the Survey Says!
Thanks to everyone who completed a workshop survey. Angie received 21 responses and here are the results:
How long a member of TBSDG:
- 3 years or less: 10 members
- 3-6 years: 3 members
- 7+ years: 8
Our skill level:
- Beginner: 5
- Intermediate: 13
- Advanced: 3
This is what we do: (multiple answers allowed)
- Art Quilts: 13
- Art Cloth: 11
- Mixed Media: 11
- Felt: 5
- Jewelry: 10
- Art: 7
- Other:
- crochet/knit: 2
- paper sculpture
- stained glass
- torch fired enamel
- weaving
- wearable art
- art dolls
- quilting
What we are interested in learning:
mixed media art quilts, printing on cloth, recycling and
up-cycling of materials and clothes,
deconstructive screen printing, workshops on creativity,
fabric dyeing, paper clay, design principles, innovative techniques, surface
design techniques, photography for artists, printing techniques, art cloth, art
quilts, acrylic painting, mixed media collage, encaustics, soldering, acrylic
inks, making silk screens, advanced basketry, advanced discharge, indigo,
thread painting, rust, felt, layering of printing and art.
Whew! We need more months in the year.
Things that would make the guild better:
- name tags
- new member mentors
- starting workshops on time
- Friday/Saturday workshops
- let's all play nice—no backstabbing, no jealousy
- have a show and sale to show off our work
- become an organization that is focused on growing each persons skills
Brenda Schlecter has 10 pieces on display this month in the gallery at the Largo Public Library, 120 Central Park Drive, right off of East Bay Drive.
2016 Surface Design Guild Members Show
@ Clearwater Main Library
January 5 - February 26, 2016
Opening Reception - Sunday, January 17th from 2-4pm
@ Clearwater Main Library
January 5 - February 26, 2016
Opening Reception - Sunday, January 17th from 2-4pm
The Guild encourages
member's best work that has not been previously shown in an SDG exhibit. Our
show will be juried by Diane Shelly, Executive Director of Florida CraftArt, on
Sunday, January 3, 2016.
The Show Committee will:
-design a pamphlet to use as invitations
and for the press
-accept 2-D and 3-D work on Saturday,
January 2, 2016 between 10am and 2pm.
show - all work will be hung/displayed at our discretion on January 4th
-coordinate and hold an opening reception
on Sunday, January 17th from 2-4pm
-take down show on Saturday, February
27th…at which time members will be required to pick up their work from the library between the hours of
SDG Members will:
-pay $25 entry fee per member for up to 2
pieces of work (no refunds)
-sign guild contract (found on our
-deliver work to Clearwater Main library
on Saturday, January 2nd between the hours of 10am and 2pm. No work can be accepted after this date.
-provide ready to hang/display work
-provide label information & a short
artist statement describing your piece in a Microsoft Word format to
by Saturday, December 19th
-give credit if you use others patterns,
images or artwork
-if your work is not juried into the
show, it must be picked on Monday, January 4th between 10am and 1pm
-you may offer your art for sale, but if
you do, you must provide contact information as the sale would be between you and the buyer - (SDG, nor the
library will be involved in any sales)
-work can't be taken down until after the
show closes on February 26th
-volunteer to provide food for opening
-send out e-vites and invitations to your
mailing lists.
Gail Crotty and
Bonnie Ward have volunteered to sign in our work at the library on Saturday,
January 2nd between 10am-2pm
Cindie Townley and
Annie Wade will meet our juror, Diane Shelly, on Sunday, January 3rd to assist
in the jurying process.
Aida Sheets, Cindie
Townley, Mei-Ling St Leger, Paula Walker and Kim Sherrod have volunteered to
hang the show on Monday, January 4th.
Brenda Schlechter
has volunteered to coordinate the opening reception which will be held on
Sunday January 17th from 2-4pm.
Thank you to all who
have volunteered…and for those of you entering pieces for this show!
Paradise Found -
@World Quilt FloridaOrange County Convention Center
West Concourse - Hall E2,
9800 International Dr.
Orlando, FL 32819
Orlando, FL 32819
Please submit your
best work. (Since we have not presented at this show before, it can be older than two years).
The Show Committee
-Accept art which must have a 4"
sleeve (or tabs) at Clearwater Main Library on January 2, 2016 from 10am-2pm
-Hang show at our discretion
-'Break down' when show closes
SDG Members will:
-Sign Guild agreement
-Deliver work to Clearwater Main Library
on January 2, 2016 between 10am-2pm (NOTE: this delivery is concurrent with items being submitted for the Paradise Found - Clearwater Show)
-Provide ready to hang work (4"
sleeve or tabs)
-Provide label information & a short
description/artist statement for your work
-Give credit if you use others artwork,
images or patterns
-Volunteer to help with set-up and
-Volunteer to 'man' our information table
during the show (Jan7-9). Member Demos are encouraged during the show.
-Send out evites and invitations to your
mailing lists
-Pick up work at our regularly scheduled
meeting, January 11, 2016
Show Committee…Llani O'Connor, Concepcion Tharin, Cindie Townley,
Davida Milne, June Colburn, Aida Sheets, Sarah Butz, Linda Dawson,
annie! Wade. Please join us if you would like to be part of the group.
The Mancuso exhibitors list follows.
Please get in touch with Annie! to make any corrections.
'Elephant Ear Leaf Dress'
Sharon Appler
24"w x 60" long
Roseline Young
88"h x 38"w x 1"d
'Day by Day: Pieces of Life" Color
Series Doorway
Marlene Glickman
84"L x 78"W x ½"d
'Moonlight Garden'
Cindie Townley
18" x 18"
Carol Holsopple
48"w x 36"l
'Cathedrals Around The World'
Sara Newberg King
34"w x
'Formal Garden'
Brenda Schlechter
'Beach Grass'
Brenda Schlechter
'Earth Elements'
Cathy Simms / Kathy Hays
16"h x 19"w
'California Circles'
Cathy Simms
30"h x 26"w
'Flamingo In February'
Cathy Simms
41"h x 20"w
'Back to Basics'
annie! Wade
21"h x 12"w
'Girl Reading'
annie! Wade
20"h x 16"w
'Shooting Star'
annie! Wade and Sophia Wightman Wade
26"h x 17"w
Concepcion Tharin
56"h x 34"l
Table Runner
Concepcion Tharin
40"l x 14"w
Concepcion Tharin
'Don't Litter'
JoAnn Mendenhall
JoAnn Mendenhall
21" x 24"
JoAnn Mendenhall
28" x 33"
'Sea Turtles'
JoAnn Mendenhall
18" x 21"
Please get in touch with Annie! to make any corrections.
Florida CraftArt
Process, Imagery and Technique Workshops
Florida Craft Art has invited SDG to be a part of Sticks,
Leaves and Twigs, an invitational show featuring wood, fiber and basketry,
August 26- October 22, 2016. We are being asked to create yardage to hang from
the ceiling of the gallery. The panels should reference some aspect of trees or
forests. We will be sending our work at
the beginning of August and the curator will choose the pieces that will be in
the show. The yardage can be created by individuals or groups of SDG members.
The Guild will have a workshop for the entire Guild in
February at the Beach Art Center about coming up with and creating personal
imagery for screen printing. Each person
will be encouraged to create imagery for their fabric that is meaningful to
them. All participants will be using
their own personal imagery on their yardage.
Each participant will end up with their own piece of yardage.
All workshop costs do NOT cover the cost of screens,
thermofax screens or fabric. We will be
ordering a bolt of cotton fabric if you would like to buy a 3 yard piece.
Linda Dawson 4
students max; 3 sessions at her home;$10.00 per session
Thursday, January 28, Shibori Dyeing – starting at 10:00 and
running until 2:00 or later
Thursday, February 4, Discharge – starting at 10:00 until
2:00 or later
Thursday, February 11, Screen Printing – starting at 10:00
until 2:00 or later.
Sarah Butz
4 students max; 3 sessions; at her home;
$10.00 per session
Friday, Feb. 12, Shibori Dyeing – starting at 10:00 and
running until 2:00 or later
Friday, February 26,
Discharge – starting at 10:00 until 2:00 or later
Friday, March 4, Screen Printing – starting at 10:00 until 2:00 or later.
Angie Knowles 5
students max 2 sessions at her home; $10-15 for whole class
Work will be accomplished over several weekends in 2-3 hour
blocks of time starting end of Feb. 2016.
We will create 2 -3 yard lengths of art cloth using a combination of
surface design techniques:
- low water immersion dyeing
- discharge
- over-dyeing
- screen printing
- stamping
- stenciling
- foiling
- stitching
Mei-Ling St. Leger
Number of tables 3 sessions at IRBAC; $5.00 per session
After initial dyeing, when applying more layers, I prefer to
use thickened dye so the piece is 2 sided; therefore can be hung from the
ceiling. Dye colors are transparent, not
opaque like pigment, so they give a great range of possible colors.
Discharge and dye can be applied directly by brush, by
stamping, or screen printing. Screens
will be from freezer paper stencils, so cheap and flexible choices. You can provide your own screens at your
I plan to meet at IRBAC on the same Sundays as the SDG
workshops; in the other room. Meeting date will be firmed up by the next SDG
meeting. I don’t have a computer so please call me at 727-791-4109.
Kathleen Fulmer
4 students max; Saturday, March 12 at her home; $5.00 for supplies. I will be teaching Arashi Shibori (pole
wrapping) with silk fabric; We will be using fiber reactive dyes to dye fabric,
over dye with acid dyes and do a discharge with Dharma color remover. You can supply your own silk fabric or I will
have fabric for purchase.
Bonnie Bowman
4 students max; 1 session, Sat, May 1 at her home;$5.00 for supplies;
10:30 AM till when we are done.
We will work predominately with thickened dyes and discharge
paste, (but I am flexible if you have other needs). Printing with discharge and various types of
paste. Printing and painting with thickened dyes.
Troubleshooting previously dyed works. (You may also bring fabric that you are less
than happy with. We’ll explore ways to
salvage it, whether it is a problem with dyes continuing to bleed or you want
to change the color and patterning.)
2017 SHOW Challenge
2017 Surface Design Challenge - Surface Design in Many
This is 12 month challenge running from January 2016 through
December 2016 culminating in a single,
cohesive piece of work for our 2017 Member Show (Venue TBD). The goal is to demonstrate the infinite variety
that emerges when different 'design eyes' create art using a single set of
guidelines. There only a few suggested
guidelines that are merely intended to invoke similar thoughts in the
viewer. If you are attending any of the
surface design workshops outlined above for the Florida CraftArt pieces, you
may want to consider also producing your 'piece of the month' during those
Every month will be done on a consistent surface size (you
choose the size). You want an eye on the
end goal (12 pieces) that will be joined together. For example, a 12" square surface
would yield a pretty big object (nominally 3' x 4') However, this size is your choice and if you
don’t want them all the same size, it’s up to you. If you want to mix your media, you decide. However, all 12 surfaces will be joined into a single piece for
presentation in the show. Hence suggestion #1, for potential ease of assembly.
Each month’s piece will highlight the challenge theme as
follows. Each piece could also highlight the same or different surface design
techniques or methods across the year.
- January– Your Favorite Color (this could set the tone for your overall piece - or not)
- February – Lines
- March –Triangles
- April– Squares, Rectangles, Parallelogram
- May – Circles, Ovals
- June– Other Geometrics (octagon, hexagon, kites)
- July– Nature/Flowers
- August– Nature/Animals
- September– Household Objects, either inspirational or reused
- October– Architectural/3Dimensional and/or ‘other’ objects, inspirational or reused.
- November– Abstract Design
- December– Your choice; something tie them all together or perhaps you made two and can’t decide between them
- January – Assemble & Deliver for the show
Members should keep a running journal of each piece so it
will be easy to describe the methods applied to each. This will accompany the submitted piece and
will produce a 'dialogue' that can be read by the audience. If you feel that this challenge is too
confining (or time consuming), you are still be able to enter work of your own
choice. As always, you can enter up to
two pieces so a second piece is of your own choosing.
Interesting and/or Educational Links
Purpose of the Guild
purpose of the Guild is to increase community awareness of surface
design and its value in our lives while offering educational and
experimental venues, thus supporting individual artistic creativity
while promoting an attitude of mutual respect and exchange in all areas
of surface design.
to the Surface Design Guild is open to anyone with an interest in
surface design of any variety. All levels of interest and expertise are
welcome. If you or someone you know would like to join please contact Bring your registration form to the
next meeting or send a check made out to the Surface Design Guild to:
Surface Design Guild
Board & Committee Members 2016
Vice President/Programs – Angie Knowles
Secretary – Peggy Dauber
Treasurer/Membership – Mary Ann Pickard
Multi-Media Committee –
NewsBlog: Sharon
Web: Bonnie Bowman -
NewsBlog: Sharon
Web: Bonnie Bowman -
Mini-workshop Committee – Angie Knowles
Committee - annie! Wade -Chair, Llani O'Connor, Concepcion Tharin,
Cindie Townley, Davida Milne, June Colburn, Aida Sheets, Sarah Butz,
Linda Dawson, Sharon Appler. Please join us if you would like to be
part of the group.
meet the second Monday of every month at 6:30PM. Doors open at 5:30
with social time between 6 and 6:30. Limited table space is available
for $5 for members to sell their work.
Suncoast Hospice
5771 Roosevelt Boulevard
Clearwater, FL 33760
We are in Building 10 which is immediately to the right of the Welcome Center as you face the building.
Minutes of the November Meeting
Opening Cyndi Townley welcome at 6:33pm
Introduction of NewMembers and Guests
Teresa Mott sews. Lori Wilson Quilts and knits, Barb
Weisel, quilter, felter
Treasury Report and Membership. Ann Thomas Treasury
balance $3445.38 Members 99
Election of 2016 Officers.-Angie Knowles
Cindy Townley President
Angie Knowles VP
Mary Ann Pickord Treasurer
Annie! Wade Shows
Peggy Dauber Secretary
Bonnie Bowman website
Sharon Appler newsletter
Voted on and passed
Linda Dawson a week early January 9&10 Sat. 10-4pm
Sun. 1-5pm Reconstructive Screen Printing MX dye with soda ash $75
February Workshop: Personal Imagery Florida Craft Art
long panels. Sarah Butz 4or5 teams for September
April National Teacher Judy Coates Perez $125 perhaps. Mixed Media
Survey. Fill in survey for Angie Knowles
Presentation from the Painting on Paper Bags Class Cindi
Townley, Angie Knowles, Gail Wells
Presentation of Fabric Collage Class June
Colburns 12 people
Angie Knowles.
Dana Maley Holiday Party December Monday the 14th.
Decorations, Music, Gift Exchange not holiday related
brown paper bag no name on it.
Member scavenger hunt. Think of something about yourself
that is unique.
email Dana. Food bring a potluck.
Name tags Bring an expired credit card, scissors and a
glue gun. Prize for most creative.
Sarah Butz : Artcloth.... Sticks Leaves and Twig Show
long and narrow. Can be sewn together, 22-36" wide. Wonderful and
marvelous. Not less than 5 ft. Will have cost. Can be 1 or 2 sided. Work is due
for jury's get in September.
Annie! Wade Paradise Found exhibit...Jan 4 2016 Feb. 26. Jan
2 work delivered to the library.on the 3rd Diane Shelley will jury the show. On
the 4th the show will be set up Opening reception is TBD.
Mancuso Show. Jan Wed.
6th set up in Orlando, Fl. Convention Center. Quilts email pictures How
to make a 4" sleeve. On the quilts, yes to loops, too.
Cathy Hayes Mini Workshop making it your own...all about
Show and Tell
Marlene Glickman- indigo quilt and rusted using rusty AC
pan Davida Milanese Dorothy Boynton paper folding an animal Angie Knowles-personal
chop fabric covered journal Joanne Baxter beader wire wrapped bracelet,
necklace baked clay wire wrapped Brenda Schlecter bag made circle slashed
Mary Ann Pickord Poppyfield and Yellowbrick Rd quilt
Annie! Wade wall hangings Peggy Dauber-cool bleached jacket with dye blobs
Angie Announcements. She will contact the artist Perez.
Hillsboro art council
$40,000 grant program Usually $1000
Marlene Glickman. Another stash of
foil to donate
Adjourned at 8:15pm by Cindy Townley